Status overview of abortion in Europe (2024)
Whereas in the first decades of the 21st century, many countries started legalising abortion and…
Whereas in the first decades of the 21st century, many countries started legalising abortion and progress of women’s rights seemed to go on in Europe, nowadays a backlash against the right to abortion is clearly visible. Since the Abortion Right1 platform was set up in 2011, we have been sounding the alarm on the attacks…
Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland’s ex-Prime Minister, favors a more liberal abortion law, marking a significant stance change within PiS. Read more:
Women wishing to terminate a pregnancy are facing many hurdles and social disapproval, raising the wrath of feminists. Read more (subscribers only):
To mark International Safe Abortion Day on 28th September, the Centre d’Action Laïque, together with organisations member of the Abortion Right platform and many Belgian and International associations, are mobilising to reiterate the urgent need to guarantee effective and safe access to abortion for all women throughout the world. In 2023, access to abortion is under…
The Guardian – Some reproductive healthcare, including abortion and contraception such as the morning-after pill following a sexual assault, is unavailable to patients at a number of publicly funded Catholic hospitals across Australia. Science reporter Donna Lu talks to Jane Lee about the devastating impact this can have on patients – when religious views override the right to medical…
European Mobilisation · 28 september 2023 · Brussels
“In response to the publication today of the three-year review of Ireland’s 2018 abortion law, Amnesty International said that, while nearly 18,000 pregnant people were able to access legal abortion care since the law came into operation in 2019, serious gaps and barriers were revealed and must be addressed urgently by the Government. Amnesty International…
“Recommendations for widespread changes by report chair expected to reignite debate on abortion provision in Ireland”
“Abortion on health grounds to be allowed but only if medical complication can lead to woman’s death as government climbs down from previous wider interpretation • New amendments to Bill 28 unveiled In short: New abortion amendments to Bill 28
Tensions are mounting in the Government over a delay in publishing a review on abortion laws. Green Party chair Pauline O’Reilly has vented frustration with Health Minister Stephen Donnelly over the review, which is required under the legislation introduced following a repeal of the Eighth Amendment.