United States : US justice department sues Texas over abortion ban
09/09/2021 Attorney-general warns law could become ‘model for action’ in other states https://www.ft.com/content/7f8d6f6d-966b-4a3a-8f8d-c6eed703ccfb
09/09/2021 Attorney-general warns law could become ‘model for action’ in other states https://www.ft.com/content/7f8d6f6d-966b-4a3a-8f8d-c6eed703ccfb
09/09/2021 Justices decision to decriminalise abortion was based on human rights arguments and will mean fewer criminal investigations https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/sep/09/mexico-ruling-decriminalise-abortion-activists
06/09/2021 Orders – such as on the Texas abortion law – issued in the dead of night on the so-called ‘shadow docket’ threaten the court’s legitimacy and US democracy https://www.theguardian.com/law/2021/sep/06/supreme-court-trump-texas-abortion-law-democracy
03/09/2021 Religious groups and faith leaders are speaking out about a new Texas law that severely restricts abortions, with some celebrating its passage and others arguing it violates their religious freedom to counsel and aid those who wish to have the procedure. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/texas-abortion-religious-reaction/2021/09/03/f51268c2-0cb9-11ec-9781-07796ffb56fe_story.html
03/09/2021 Texas is the result of a decades-long effort to undermine the women’s equality movement in the name of saving the US from God’s judgment https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/03/america-abortion-supreme-court-evangelicals
03/09/2021 Biden administration’s options are limited and filibuster poses roadblock to federal legislation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/02/texas-abortion-law-biden-democrats-congress
03/09/2021 Critics of Texas’s new law have been filing hundreds of fake reports to the whistleblowing website in hopes of crashing it https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/02/texas-abortion-law-tiktok-reddit-whistleblower
02/09/2021 Judaism teaches that potential life is sacred. Nevertheless, our religion also teaches that potential life is not the same as actual life, that a fetus is not a human being. https://religionnews.com/2021/09/02/texass-abortion-ban-is-against-my-religion-as-a-rabbi-i-will-defy-it-if-necessary/
02/09/2021 US supreme court fails to act to block near-total ban that allows private citizens to sue abortion providers. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/01/texas-abortion-law-supreme-court